The Right Way Forward

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Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

The Unrealized Hypocrisy of the Liberal Left 

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New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Russell Simmons and Chelsea Clinton all attended a “Today I am a muslim Too” rally this past Sunday. The rally targeted Trump supporters from Middle America and Simmons expressed his hope that they would begin to question “their” government. 

First off – 

“Their government?” Hate to break it to him but unless he renounced his citizenship, the government is his as well as “theirs.”

Secondly –

If DeBlasio, Simmons and Clinton wish to proclaim that they too are muslim than they must own all that is muslim. 

They must own the complete intolerance and killing of homosexuals by muslims. 

They must own the idea that muslim women are second class citizens who must ask permission from their husbands to leave the home and seek employment. 

They must own the fact that muslim women in Saudi Arabia are forbidden to drive, forbidden to hold government jobs, and forbidden from studying in certain educational fields.  

They must own the “honor killings” of muslim women under sharia law. The beheadings and stoning to death which rarely go punished. Own it. 

They must own the fact that a woman’s testimony is weighed as only half of that of a man. They must own the fact that in order to prove rape, a muslim woman must produce four male witnesses. 

They must own the fact that in Iran, the legal age of marriage for a female is only nine years old.  A muslim man can take a NINE year old as a bride. Own that aspect of being muslim. 

They must own the complete lack of the right to free speech in islamic society. They must own the fact that here in the United States one can place a crucifix in a jar of urine and call it art while twelve people are killed when a magazine publishes a satirical cartoon of mohamed. 

DeBlasio, Simmons and Clinton can be muslim for the day but than by all means be muslim. Own it. 

Own the fact that under sharia law there is no freedom of religion; no freedom of speech or thought; no equality between men and women and no democracy. They must own the fact that while a democratic society allows all to be equal, sharia law does not recognize muslims and non-muslims as such.  

You want to be muslim for the day to stand in solidarity over some perceived muslim ban – than be a muslim. Own it.  But own it all. 

Absurd Thought of the Day

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Isn’t it rather insane that we can have one group of people protesting for the ethical treatment of animals while another group protests for their right to kill an unborn child in the womb?  

One group supports shutting down circuses to protect the animals and the other wants clinics to kill them. 

Wonder how many support both?
Can you say hypocrite!!!!!!!

Written by usa1968

February 1, 2017 at 3:59 pm

Idiot of the Week (Two Time Winner)

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Gersh Kuntzman – that idiot reporter from the New York Daily News – is at it again. He is now offended by the singing of God Bless America at baseball games. He finds it fascist. 

What’s the matter Gersh (what kind of name is that anyway?) nothing more important to write about. Your bosses at that rag must really like your work….they give you all the “important” articles to write. (Did you get my sarcasm or are you too dumb?)

Go crawl under a rock already. 

Liberal Leftist Thinking is a Mental Illness

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Anyone who doesn’t believe that liberal democrat leftist thinking is NOT  a mental illness – need only watch these reporters from MSNBC or read a paper such as the NY Daily News. 

Can people really be this stupid?

I guess so. 

Written by usa1968

June 13, 2016 at 2:16 pm

Can You Say Hypocrite!!!!!!

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New York City mayor Bill deBlasio sat down today with members of the Russian band Pussy Riot to discuss prison conditions in New York City.
Apparently deBlasio is an admirer of the band and “what they do.” (Whatever that may be.)
deBlasio had told reporters that, “They are speaking out against oppression, and against the denial of the right of free speech.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but
wasn’t it just last month that New York governor Andrew Cuomo said that Republican Conservatives have no place in the state of New York? Perhaps deBlasio should sit down with the governor.

Also, earlier this week, deBlasio had announced that he would not be marching in New York City’s St. Patricks Day Parade because the organizers of the parade exclude homosexuals. (In reality, organizers have never denied homosexuals from marching, just from carrying pro gay banners.) Yet deBlasio has added two Islamic holidays to the NYC school system.
It might surprise him to learn that under Islamic (Shari’ah) law, homosexuality is a sin and considered a crime against God.

You see Mr. deBlasio, Muslims don’t just “deny” homosexuals the right to march in their parades, they kill them for being gay.

Can you say hypocrite?

Those That Cannot Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It (When Will We Ever Learn)

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On the afternoon of February 26, 1993, Islamic terrorist Ramzi Yousef parked a Ryder truck in the basement of the North Tower of the World Trade Center and detonated an explosive that killed six people and injured over one thousand more. Ramzi Yousef was not Christian or Jewish. He was not a Buddhist, a Mormon or a Baptist. He was a Muslim. Upon his illegal entry into the United States, Yousef took up residence in New Jersey.

On September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic terrorists boarded four airplanes and carried out the worst terrorist attack to ever occur on American soil.  The nineteen terrorists were not Christians.  They were not Jewish. They were not Buddhists, Mormons or Baptists. They were Muslims.  Tickets for at least one of the hijacked flights were purchased in New Jersey.  Flight 93 took off from Newark International Airport. Of the almost three thousand people that were killed on September 11, 2001, six hundred and ninety four were residents of New Jersey.

In June 2010, two New Jersey residents were arrested at JFK International Airport as they were about to board flights to Egypt. The two had intentions of joining up with Islamic terrorists to wage war with The United States. It has been reported that they were discovered and exposed by an undercover NYPD officer.

The FBI and Law Enforcement were highly criticized in the days following September 11, 2001. More could’ve been done.  More should’ve been done to protect every citizen of this country. Why ten years after these attacks we feel the need to have to apologize to anyone for due diligence is beyond any comprehension. Shame on Eric Holder. Shame on New Jersey Governor Christie.

The FBI, The NYPD and all other Federal, State and local law enforcement is tasked with protecting everyone, regardless of religion or race. Lest we forget that several dozen innocent Muslims were also killed on September 11, 2001?

Without  getting into why this topic should not even be discussed in public, the only thing Eric Holder and Gov. Christie should be saying is that, “Yes we are currently involved in undercover surveillance and intelligence gathering within the Muslim community.  We will continue with these operations until such a time that there is no longer a threat from within that community.  You are either with us or against us.  There is no middle ground here.”

The citizens of the state of New Jersey and the country should be calling for the resignations of both Holder and Christie.  Their comments have proven that their concern is not that of ALL Americans but rather that of a vocal minority.  We can not and should not kowtow to any one group, thereby putting everyone in harms way.

This is not a question of wrongfully arresting anyone or violating one’s civil rights.  It is not a call to discriminate or harm anyone from any specific group.  It is a case of being ever vigilant in the war on terrorism.  We were attacked by Islamic extremists who were Muslim.  Common sense should dictate that that is where the attention should be focused.

The FBI has said that the “secret spying” has damaged Muslims’ trust.  A pretty good argument could be made that September 11 damaged America’s trust.

As George Bush said, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” There is no middle ground.

Could you imagine a group of Italians up in arms at the FBI or NYPD or any other law enforcement agency for having undercover officers infiltrate the Mafia?

Wake up America……………………………..It’s time to demand more from our elected officials.

God Bless the United States of America.

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, well than it must be a………….

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Female college student speaks before a “mock” congressional hearing.

Female college student proclaims that she and other students cannot afford contraception for the amount of sex they are having.

Female college student is then labeled that as which she defines herself. (Go ahead, look up that word in the dictionary.)

Female college student receives phone call from the president, who expresses his support and believes her parents should be proud of her.

Proud of her for what?

For publicly claiming that she has more sex then she can afford? Proud of her promiscuous ways? Proud of her extracurricular activities spent on her back?

When I was in school there was a word for that type of girl, but that is after-all, what got us to this point.

Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear program.  The United States may be heading towards another Cold War with Russia.  US Soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan. Oil and gas prices are spiraling out of control.  The economy. The national debt. Unemployment. The unending threat of terrorism.  All real issues that should be of great concern to every American and our leaders.

And what is this president concerned with? A college student who is whining about not being able to afford contraceptives. A college student who believes she is ENTITLED to free contraceptives so that she can have sex while supposedly earning a degree in law school.


Sandra Fluke’s parents should be anything but proud.  They should be embarrassed and ashamed.

Every American should be embarrassed and ashamed of this administration.

Written by usa1968

March 3, 2012 at 12:05 pm

Sharia Law in America

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It was reported last week that Faleh Hassan Almaleki, an Iraqi immigrant living in Peoria, Arizona killed his daughter for becoming too “Westernized.” Almaleki ran his daughter, Noor Faleh Almaleki, and her boyfriend’s mother down in his Jeep this past October.

Reason he gave; “his daughter had brought shame on him and his family.” An “honor killing.”

What is truly disturbing is the fact that these “honor killings,” which are sanctioned under Sharia or Islamic Law, are becoming more and more prevalent in the West and here in the United States. There is actually a movement to have Sharia Law incorporated and accepted with western legal systems.

And they’ll use our own Constitution to do it. You know that part about Freedom of Religion.

I strongly urge every American to familiarize themselves with Sharia and the Islamic religion. Go to the web site Jihad Watch. (

Learn what it is that fundamental Islam is all about. Educate yourselves.

And some advice to future Faleh Hassan Almaleki’s, it’s very simple.

If you don’t want your family, your sons, your daughters to become “Westernized,” STAY IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND DON”T COME HERE!

It’s really that easy. Not much thought involved.