The Right Way Forward

Everything from politics to todays social issues

Posts Tagged ‘Fort Hood

What We Have to Look Forward to Under the New Regime

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Over the past several days I have posted an article on a local New York site called SI Live. The article was also posted on WordPress on November 12, 2009, and is entitled, “On Nidal Malik Hasan and Barack Obama.”

It discussed the parallels between Nidal Malik Hasan and Barack Hussein Obama. How the military, the CIA and the FBI did not heed the warning signs exhibited by Hasan and allowed him to remain in the military. It further discussed how the American people failed to heed very similar warning signs exhibited by Barack Hussein Obama and voted him president.

The point of the article was that political correctness is and will be the downfall of this country.

This article was deleted, without reason, by SI Live each time it was posted. I guess I missed the part in the User Agreement section where it states that your post will be deleted if it is contrary to “our” views.

SI Live is an independently owned and operated website that is affiliated with The Staten Island Advance. When I contacted the Staten Island Advance, I was put in touch with Frank Cianciotta who could offer no explanation as to why the post may have been deleted. Mr. Cianciotta informed me that SI Live was monitored by an independent party that has the capability of deleting posts deemed offensive. Mr. Cianciotta could not provide the name of the company responsible for monitoring the site, nor any phone number to contact them or SI Live. An email sent to SI Live’s help/feedback department has yet to be answered.

To review the article “On Nidal Malik Hasan and Barack Obama” please see November 12, 2009.
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On Nidal Malik Hasan and Barack Hussein Obama

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So let’s get this straight.

Nidal Malik Hasan attended Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, a mosque that several of the 9/11 hijackers attended. The same mosque that was run by Anwar al Awlaki. A hate filled anti-American imam, who has since praised Hasan for his actions.

It has been made known that Hasan has ties to terrorists and made several attempts to contact al-Qaeda.

It has been made known that Hasan has expressed contempt for the United States.

And yet this man was allowed to remain in the United States military and even promoted.

Can anyone say they are truly surprised?

Let me remind you all that once upon a time there was a man named Barack Hussein Obama who ran for president of the United States of America.

During his campaign, it was made known to the American people that Barack Hussein Obama attended a church run by a hate filled anti-American preacher.

It was made known that Barack Hussein Obama had ties to William Ayers, a domestic terrorist as well as Rashid Khalidi.

It was made known that Barack Hussein Obama’s wife expressed contempt for the United States.

And yet, the American people voted this man into office.

What has become of this country? America where are your morals? Where is your common sense?

We need not face any foreign enemies. We will destroy ourselves from within. All in the name of political correctness.

God bless the United States of America.

And God help us.

Let us pray……

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Let us all say a prayer for the men and women and the families of those that were killed and wounded in the Fort Hood Tragedy.

Let us also pray for the coward Nidal Malik Hasan, the man responsible for those deaths. Let us pray that he overcomes his injuries so that he may find himself at the end of a noose hanging from the gallows.

Written by usa1968

November 6, 2009 at 11:58 am

Way to Go America!!!!!

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In a televised press conference, immediately following the attack at Fort Hood, it took this president almost two and a half minutes to acknowledge the tragedy. I guess discussing a meeting with Native Americans was more important than acknowledging that twelve people were killed and thirty wounded on a US Army Base.

To make matters even more unbelievable, this president gives a “shout out” during his opening remarks.

A “shout out.”

What world leader speaks this way? How can anyone expect to be taken seriously when they talk like this?

Could you imagine John F. Kennedy, George Bush, Bill Clinton, The Queen of England or any other world leader for that matter addressing the press and giving a “shout out” to someone?

Imagine FDR in his radio address following D Day. “I’d like to give a shout out to my man Dwight D. Eisenhower for a job well done.”


Is it me?

Once again this president shows his ignorance and his inability to act like a president.

He has no clue.

Way to go America. Hope this was the change you wanted.

Written by usa1968

November 6, 2009 at 11:32 am