The Right Way Forward

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Posts Tagged ‘NRA

Max Rose – Hypocrite

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Max Rose – Democratic candidate for Congress from Staten Island – welcomed the endorsement of the NARAL – a pro choice PAC.

Max Rose also blames the NRA for mass shootings and says he’s doing all he can to stop them.

Think about this for a second-

In 2014 there were 653,638 innocent babies aborted – murdered.

In the last 51 years, no NRA member has been responsible for a mass shooting.

Max Rose wants you to believe that he’s doing all he can to stop innocent victims from being killed. Only problem is, he is now in bed with an organization that makes a living from killing innocent victims.

Can you say hypocrite?

And by the way Max – you want to ban the AR15? The weapon of choice in most of the mass shootings over the past 51 years has been a handgun.

But hey – why let facts get in the way of a political platform.

Another typical politician folks. A hypocrite who will say anything he thinks his supporters want to hear just to get their vote.

Let’s start holding the criminal responsible. Let’s start calling for stricter laws for those who use a firearm illegally.

Let’s stop going after law abiding gun owners who have nothing to do with these terrible terrible tragedies.

Let’s pray Max Rose stays out of Washington.

Shame on The New York Daily News, Chelsia Rose Marcius, Erin Durkin and Bill Hutchinson

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So the New York Daily News today accused the NRA of launching the “sickest game yet.” A target shooting app that is now available on iPhone and iPad.
After choosing from a variety of weapons including: M16’s, sniper rifles, handguns, shotguns and even AK-47’s, players can take target practice at various inanimate objects.
The News describes some of these targets as “coffin shaped with bull’s-eyes at head and chest level.”
The app is recommended for children 4 and up and actually provides gun safety tips in between shooting practice.
Apparently Chelsia Rose Marcius, Erin Durkin and Bill Hutchinson, the three so called reporters who broke the story, didn’t do much research on other apps available for the iPhone and iPad. (Seems to be typical of NY Daily News reporters. See my post from February 5, 2010 entitled New York Daily News and Stephanie Gaskell Get It Wrong
If they had, they would have discovered some 4500 “shooting games” available on iPhone and iPad and may have discovered an app called Crime City. It’s recommended for children 12 and up and challenges players to “indulge your inner criminal mastermind.”
The game allows you to “fight and rob other players, live.”
Or how about Contract Killer? Another game available on iPhone and iPad and recommended for children 9 and up. This game allows you to “select your weapon of CHOICE from an inventory of sniper rifles, assault rifles and machine guns.” It further advises the player to “take aim and GO FOR THE HEADSHOT.”
I can only assume that Chelsia Rose Marcius, Erin Durkin and Bill Hutchinson feel that shooting at inanimate objects like targets and skeet and being provided with gun safety tips is “sicker” than fighting and robbing other players and taking “head shots.”
If they really believed this to be the case, they may have discovered another app called Arma 2-Firing Range that has been out since 2011.
The app describes itself as the “ultimate firing range simulation,” and boasts a “huge array of existing weapons” such as the M9 the M16 and even an AK-47. This game allows players to take aim at silhouette shaped targets with bull’s-eyes at chest level.
If this isn’t almost identical to the new NRA app, the fact that it’s also recommended for children 4 and up would have sent Marcius, Durkin and Hutchinson over the edge.
If these three were truly concerned with games that may or may not be detrimental to the well being and safety of children, they would have discovered and reported on these other apps as well.
But they aren’t.
They are fear mongers who work for an organization that cares more about selling papers and advertising than it does about reporting the truth.
How in the world can you get comments and reactions from people on a game put out by the NRA that is almost identical to another game that’s been out since 2011?
As we recently learned from the Journal News and their publishing of the addresses of gun owners in upstate New York, news organizations and reporters could really care less about the safety and well being of its readers. Shame on Chelsia Rose Marcius, Erin Durkin and Bill Hutchinson. Shame on the New York Daily News and shame on all those readers who think these people have your best interests in mind.
It’s all about selling papers people.

Shame on Donald Kaul and The Des Moines Register

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Donald Kaul sounds to be about as insane as they come. He should be taken into custody immediately and evaluated to make sure that he is in fact, not a threat to Speaker Boehner, Senator McConnell and the general public.
Kaul came out of “retirement” to write a column on the Sandy Hook tragedy in The Des Moines Register.
Shame on The Register for allowing such trash and violent rhetoric into their paper.
Kaul’s rantings on abolishing the Second Amendment is akin to calling for the abolishment of the First Amendment to stop lunatics like him from getting published. Insanity at its best.
He should stay retired and refrain from writing any further columns.

Who’s Responsible for Sandy Hook?

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After the latest tragedy in Connecticut, a lot of people are calling for armed guards in our schools as a means of protecting our children. Really?
Armed guards in our pre-schools? Our kindergartens? Our grammar schools? High schools?

The simple fact that we are even discussing this or have to consider this as a real possibility shows how far we have fallen as a society, how morally corrupt we’ve become and how lost we really are.

Apparently it is easier to blame the gun than to hold the person using the gun responsible and accountable for his/her actions?
It is certainly easier than looking at ourselves and our role in all of this.

We’ve taken God and prayer out of our schools. Corporal punishment is no longer allowed. We’ve taken to arresting parents for disciplining their children. We suspend and sue police officers who may have been too hard on “your” child.

Gratuitous sex and violence have permeated almost every video game around.
No longer does one need to go to a movie theater to see violent, gory, sex filled movies. HBO, Showtime and every other premium cable channel will show them right in your living room, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Any child with a remote control now has access to these movies.

We embrace such television shows as The Jersey Shore, Mob Wives, Real Housewives, Jerry Springer, Honey Boo Boo, Maury and countless others.

We’ve taken Porn out of Times Square but moved it into our homes via the Internet.

We now teach our children that Heather has two mommies but ignore the fact that little Johnny has no father and twelve brothers and sisters, all by different men.

We now accept and recognize “gay marriage” while traditional marriage is on the decline.

We no longer keep score at children’s sporting events in an effort to show that everyone wins.

We allow boys to join The Girl Scouts and girls to join the The Boy Scouts.

In our effort to teach acceptance we are teaching that everything is acceptable. We seem to have forgotten that there is a difference between accepting and respecting. One can respect another’s political and religious beliefs or sexual orientation without having to accept it as their own. When everything is acceptable, the difference between right and wrong is indiscernible.
Especially to children and adolescents.

The word “NO” has become almost non existent. People want what they want and think they are entitled.

Politicians such as Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, Jim McGreevey and others continually disgrace and make a mockery out of the positions they hold.

Michael Vick, Plaxico Buress, Christopher Wallace, Tupac, Nicki Minaj and countless others could not be any worse role models for our youth. Yet we allow our children to embrace their music, root for them on game day and even wear their team jerseys.

Our nightly news shows report nothing but violence and tragedies, sensationalizing every death, every car accident and any thing else that will boost ratings.

We are legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana while criminalizing any sugary drink over sixteen ounces.

We call all of this progress and believe we are becoming a more civilized society when in fact it is this decadence and general acceptance of everything that is causing our society to collapse. We are at the point where “anything goes.”

It took the Roman Empire roughly four centuries to fall.
If we continue on this course, we will continue to see these senseless violent tragedies and we will bring about our demise even quicker.

Who’s responsible for Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, and the others?
We all are.