The Right Way Forward

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Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump

Cooperation With the Police Does Not Absolve You of a Crime

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John Santucci of ABC News Live is reporting that because President Biden “cooperated” with the classified documents investigation, his case is different than the case brought against Donald Trump. Santucci is telling his viewers the investigation into Biden has been closed without charges being brought because of that cooperation.

I’m not sure where Santucci got his law degree or how he is coming by this information, but cooperating with the police DOES NOT absolve one of their crimes. Biden DID posses classified documents. Biden DID share those classified documents with others. His cooperation DOES NOT change those facts.

Not only is it disingenuous for a reporter to willingly provide misinformation, it is unethical.

The bias now seen in the American News Media is more aligned with political party propaganda than non partisan reporting. We’ve allowed the press way too much latitude in their “editorial reports.” Whether it’s The New York Times, Fox News, CNN or the three major network news outlets, the line between objective and prejudicial reporting has been blurred.

John Santucci should be ashamed of himself for providing such misinformation. While he is entitled to his own opinion, he is not entitled to his own facts or to mislead people. It is unfortunate that many will believe this nonsense.

Linda Stasi and Liberal Logic

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Linda Stasi – a reporter for what’s probably one of the most disgusting liberal news rags in this country – The New York Daily News – wrote a piece yesterday demanding that Michael Osgood, the head of the NYPD Special Victims Unit, be removed. Her rationale – Osgood is a Trump supporter.

Have we really reached a place in this country where newspaper reporters are now calling for action to be taken against employees for their political beliefs.

Although Ms. Stasi doesn’t believe that Osgood should be fired, she does believe that because of his political affiliation, he is incapable of overseeing a unit that investigates sex crimes and should be moved to another position.

I think it’s time to demand to know who Linda Stasi’s political affiliation is with. I think it’s time to demand to know who Linda Stasi may have donated any money to. (All rhetorical questions actually. I’m sure it’s not hard to figure that out.) And I think it’s time for all New Yorkers to demand that Linda Stasi be removed from reporting on any other political story.

Stasi’s political beliefs would make it impossible for her to report impartially and from an unbiased position.

How can any reporter be deemed credible when they are pushing their political agenda and that of the company they work for?

If Linda Stasi truly believes what she wrote in her article then she would also have to see the fault that lies within herself as a result of her own political beliefs. But I am quite confident she doesn’t. This is liberal logic at its best. Void of any common sense.

Stasi isn’t that good of a reporter and her personal beliefs appear more than antithetical to reporting the news.

The people of New York deserve better.

Mentally Imbalanced Unhinged Idiot of the Week

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Kathy Griffin

Please seek psychiatric help immediately.  
And to the idiot lawyer standing next to her at this ridiculous press conference…..YOU TOO!

Written by usa1968

June 2, 2017 at 11:13 pm

Meryl Streep……and the problem with Hollywood. 

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Hey Meryl – Time to up your dosage of meds…… psychotic – self righteous – lunatic.  Who the hell cares what you think!!!


Just saw an article where Meryl Streep stands and applauds Roman Polanski in 2003 for winning Best Director. 

Roman Polanski – for those unaware – had pled guilty to raping a thirteen year old girl back in 1977.  Prior to being sentenced, Polanski fled the United States to France.

So here you have Streep, a Hollywood elitist, so out of touch with reality, she has no problem applauding a CHILD RAPIST for his accomplishments – yet feels the need to lecture and talk down to the almost sixty three million Americans who voted for Trump. She’s offended by whatever misconceptions she has of the president elect, but applauds a child rapist. 


Streep, like the rest of the misguided Hollywood “elite” do not live in the real world.  They are so far removed from reality, it’s as if they can’t see the world for what it is. 

Streep, Robert Deniro, Sally Field, Steve Buscemi, Matt Damon and all the rest need to realize that they are merely actors – nothing more. 

Like a waitress – carpenter – nurse- plumber or garbage man – your JOB is that of an actor. You hold no more influence or importance than any of the aforementioned job titles. Please stop thinking you are that important. You aren’t. As a matter of fact – you are less important because you actually DO NOTHING. Your job is to pretend. You pretend to be someone or something else. Kind of in the same way a child pretends – is it any wonder many of you act like children. 

Realize this as well – You are employed by the masses. You work for US. We pay your salary by going to the movies or renting your films. You are more than entitled to your opinions – that is not the problem. The problem is your self righteous, pompous, holier then thou attitude. The problem is you say you loath the president elect yet embrace a CHILD RAPIST. Who are you to lecture anyone? How dare you believe people really care what the hell you think.  If you haven’t realized it by now – almost 63 million Americans don’t. 

It’s high time that we let these actors and musicians know that we do not agree with them. Boycott their films. Boycott Broadway. Stop buying their records. We can send a message loud and clear by keeping our money in our pockets and out of theirs.