The Right Way Forward

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Posts Tagged ‘terrorism

Those That Cannot Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It (When Will We Ever Learn)

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On the afternoon of February 26, 1993, Islamic terrorist Ramzi Yousef parked a Ryder truck in the basement of the North Tower of the World Trade Center and detonated an explosive that killed six people and injured over one thousand more. Ramzi Yousef was not Christian or Jewish. He was not a Buddhist, a Mormon or a Baptist. He was a Muslim. Upon his illegal entry into the United States, Yousef took up residence in New Jersey.

On September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic terrorists boarded four airplanes and carried out the worst terrorist attack to ever occur on American soil.  The nineteen terrorists were not Christians.  They were not Jewish. They were not Buddhists, Mormons or Baptists. They were Muslims.  Tickets for at least one of the hijacked flights were purchased in New Jersey.  Flight 93 took off from Newark International Airport. Of the almost three thousand people that were killed on September 11, 2001, six hundred and ninety four were residents of New Jersey.

In June 2010, two New Jersey residents were arrested at JFK International Airport as they were about to board flights to Egypt. The two had intentions of joining up with Islamic terrorists to wage war with The United States. It has been reported that they were discovered and exposed by an undercover NYPD officer.

The FBI and Law Enforcement were highly criticized in the days following September 11, 2001. More could’ve been done.  More should’ve been done to protect every citizen of this country. Why ten years after these attacks we feel the need to have to apologize to anyone for due diligence is beyond any comprehension. Shame on Eric Holder. Shame on New Jersey Governor Christie.

The FBI, The NYPD and all other Federal, State and local law enforcement is tasked with protecting everyone, regardless of religion or race. Lest we forget that several dozen innocent Muslims were also killed on September 11, 2001?

Without  getting into why this topic should not even be discussed in public, the only thing Eric Holder and Gov. Christie should be saying is that, “Yes we are currently involved in undercover surveillance and intelligence gathering within the Muslim community.  We will continue with these operations until such a time that there is no longer a threat from within that community.  You are either with us or against us.  There is no middle ground here.”

The citizens of the state of New Jersey and the country should be calling for the resignations of both Holder and Christie.  Their comments have proven that their concern is not that of ALL Americans but rather that of a vocal minority.  We can not and should not kowtow to any one group, thereby putting everyone in harms way.

This is not a question of wrongfully arresting anyone or violating one’s civil rights.  It is not a call to discriminate or harm anyone from any specific group.  It is a case of being ever vigilant in the war on terrorism.  We were attacked by Islamic extremists who were Muslim.  Common sense should dictate that that is where the attention should be focused.

The FBI has said that the “secret spying” has damaged Muslims’ trust.  A pretty good argument could be made that September 11 damaged America’s trust.

As George Bush said, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” There is no middle ground.

Could you imagine a group of Italians up in arms at the FBI or NYPD or any other law enforcement agency for having undercover officers infiltrate the Mafia?

Wake up America……………………………..It’s time to demand more from our elected officials.

God Bless the United States of America.

On Nidal Malik Hasan and Barack Hussein Obama

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So let’s get this straight.

Nidal Malik Hasan attended Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, a mosque that several of the 9/11 hijackers attended. The same mosque that was run by Anwar al Awlaki. A hate filled anti-American imam, who has since praised Hasan for his actions.

It has been made known that Hasan has ties to terrorists and made several attempts to contact al-Qaeda.

It has been made known that Hasan has expressed contempt for the United States.

And yet this man was allowed to remain in the United States military and even promoted.

Can anyone say they are truly surprised?

Let me remind you all that once upon a time there was a man named Barack Hussein Obama who ran for president of the United States of America.

During his campaign, it was made known to the American people that Barack Hussein Obama attended a church run by a hate filled anti-American preacher.

It was made known that Barack Hussein Obama had ties to William Ayers, a domestic terrorist as well as Rashid Khalidi.

It was made known that Barack Hussein Obama’s wife expressed contempt for the United States.

And yet, the American people voted this man into office.

What has become of this country? America where are your morals? Where is your common sense?

We need not face any foreign enemies. We will destroy ourselves from within. All in the name of political correctness.

God bless the United States of America.

And God help us.