The Right Way Forward

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Posts Tagged ‘NYPD

57 Year old Woman Suffers Broken Jaw in Street Attack – Blame the Democrat Voter

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A fifty seven year old woman was attacked on a Brooklyn street and suffered a broken jaw.

The thirty three year old suspect was arrested and released without bail even though he has seven prior arrests for assault.

Democrats like New York State Assemblyman Carl Heastie don’t get it. Heastie believes tougher penalties do not deter crime. Mr. Heastie, we are long beyond trying to deter crime at this point. We must remove from society those that demonstrate they cannot play by the rules and follow the law. Criminals belong in prison. Evil cannot be allowed to walk among us.

If you voted for Carl Heastie or any other democrat you are just as guilty as the savage who attacked this innocent woman on a Brooklyn street in broad daylight. You helped make this happen.


But it’s a Perception Problem

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The crime problem in New York City is real. Especially the crime in the subway system. It is not merely perceived as Mayor Adams and the higher ups in the NYPD would have you believe.

Crime Not That Bad??

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I would like to ask all those who continually say that crime in New York City is not that bad, “just how much crime is acceptable?”

In twelve short years, the democrats have managed to destroy all the progress made in crime reduction. Criminals now matter more than crime victims.

NYC doesn’t have a perception problem, it has a crime problem.

Written by usa1968

March 13, 2024 at 5:16 pm

Martial Law Comes to the NYC Subway System -Blame the Democrat Voter

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How do the democrats fix the crime problem plaguing the New York City subway system – THAT THEY CREATED – they institute martial law.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced that in response to the crime epidemic, the NYS National Guard along with the New York State Police will begin patrolling the New York City subways.

But wait there’s more…..

Not only will they be patrolling the subways, they will begin searching the bags of subway riders.

Let’s analyze this…..

The woke democrats did away with stop and frisk because it was racist. Now, they will violate your fourth amendment rights and have the military and police search your personal belongings if you wish to ride the train. Well that makes sense – IN BIZARRO WORLD!!!

One can only look at this and conclude the end game is more control and authority over the populace. Why else would our elected officials create these problems only to come up with a solution that is more authoritative? More fascist?

The NYPD did a yeoman’s job of cleaning up New York City. The democrats managed to destroy it in less than twelve years.

Rather than admit fault for the disastrous bail reform policies they instituted, they are blaming the rash of subway crimes on recidivists. You know how you stop the recidivist – YOU KEEP THEM IN JAIL. It’s that simple.

A district attorney is tasked with representing the victim and protecting the community it serves. DA’s like Manhattan’s Alvin Bragg and Queens Melinda Katz ran on platforms that promised better treatment for the accused.

Justice should be blind and everyone should be treated equally. What the democrats have done, however, is tip the scales to favor the criminal and make it more difficult to prosecute.

If you voted for a democrat or stayed home on Election Day you helped make this happen.

Perception Problem? No. It’s a Crime Problem.

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NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell and NYC Mayor Eric Adams will have you believe the crime occurring in New York City is not really happening and is only a “perception” problem. I assure you the victims of the crime plaguing the city aren’t perceiving anything. What they are experiencing is real.

Perception is what one sees, hears and becomes aware of. It is how we recognize the world. If there is a vicious dog in front of you, growling and showing it’s teeth, do you perceive you are in danger? No. You recognize you are in danger and may be attacked. We perceive there is danger because there is danger. Perception does not cancel reality. Perception is based on reality. This “doublespeak” from Chell and Adams is straight out of Bradbury’s 1984. The perception of crime does not negate crime.

Here are a dozen instances from this past month which lends to the development of your perception:

February 9 – 15 year old girl sexually assaulted in Brooklyn subway station

February 11 – cab driver slashed in neck in Queens

February 23 – 45 year old subway rider shot and killed in Bronx

February 23 – two men shot in Hunts Point

February 23 – 15 year old boy shot in Bronx

February 24 – 17 year old male attacked and stabbed by twenty three people in Times Square

February 24 – 17 year old shot in Queens

February 24 – 20 year old woman assaulted and nearly raped on a Queens subway platform.

February 29 – 13 year old boy shot and killed in Crown Heights

February 29 – train conducted has neck slashed in Brooklyn

February 28 – 38 year old man shot and killed in Crown Heights

February 26 – Bodega worker killed in Crown Heights.

We don’t have a perception problem in New York City. We have a crime problem.

Linda Stasi and Liberal Logic

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Linda Stasi – a reporter for what’s probably one of the most disgusting liberal news rags in this country – The New York Daily News – wrote a piece yesterday demanding that Michael Osgood, the head of the NYPD Special Victims Unit, be removed. Her rationale – Osgood is a Trump supporter.

Have we really reached a place in this country where newspaper reporters are now calling for action to be taken against employees for their political beliefs.

Although Ms. Stasi doesn’t believe that Osgood should be fired, she does believe that because of his political affiliation, he is incapable of overseeing a unit that investigates sex crimes and should be moved to another position.

I think it’s time to demand to know who Linda Stasi’s political affiliation is with. I think it’s time to demand to know who Linda Stasi may have donated any money to. (All rhetorical questions actually. I’m sure it’s not hard to figure that out.) And I think it’s time for all New Yorkers to demand that Linda Stasi be removed from reporting on any other political story.

Stasi’s political beliefs would make it impossible for her to report impartially and from an unbiased position.

How can any reporter be deemed credible when they are pushing their political agenda and that of the company they work for?

If Linda Stasi truly believes what she wrote in her article then she would also have to see the fault that lies within herself as a result of her own political beliefs. But I am quite confident she doesn’t. This is liberal logic at its best. Void of any common sense.

Stasi isn’t that good of a reporter and her personal beliefs appear more than antithetical to reporting the news.

The people of New York deserve better.

Education Does Not Cure Ignorance

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Judge Shira Scheindlin has proven that all the education in the world can not cure ignorance. It’s too bad that Cornell and Columbia University did not offer any classes in common sense. Her ruling against the NYPD’s Stop and Frisk program will benefit no one except the criminal.
It’s of no surprise that at least three of her previous rulings have been overturned on appeals.

Judges such as Scheindlin and Nicholas Garaufis, who ruled that the NYC Fire Department test was biased, have proven that they are more concerned with grabbing headlines and making a name for themselves than doing what’s right for the people of this country. Both need to be censured.
Both have demonstrated through their rulings why judges should not be seated for life but should serve for a specific term.

(Both Scheindlin and Garaufis were appointed by President Clinton.)

Way To Tip Your Hand

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The NYPD announced today that they will ask pharmacies to hide GPS devices in fake prescription bottles in an effort to track the thieves who steal such prescription medication as oxycodone.
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has been quoted as saying that this effort, “…may lead us to stash locations across the city.”

Lets just hope the thieves don’t read the papers or watch TV because the only location where these devices may lead the NYPD will be the floor of the pharmacy.
Way to tip your hand.

Written by usa1968

January 15, 2013 at 2:28 pm

Those That Cannot Remember The Past Are Condemned To Repeat It (When Will We Ever Learn)

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On the afternoon of February 26, 1993, Islamic terrorist Ramzi Yousef parked a Ryder truck in the basement of the North Tower of the World Trade Center and detonated an explosive that killed six people and injured over one thousand more. Ramzi Yousef was not Christian or Jewish. He was not a Buddhist, a Mormon or a Baptist. He was a Muslim. Upon his illegal entry into the United States, Yousef took up residence in New Jersey.

On September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic terrorists boarded four airplanes and carried out the worst terrorist attack to ever occur on American soil.  The nineteen terrorists were not Christians.  They were not Jewish. They were not Buddhists, Mormons or Baptists. They were Muslims.  Tickets for at least one of the hijacked flights were purchased in New Jersey.  Flight 93 took off from Newark International Airport. Of the almost three thousand people that were killed on September 11, 2001, six hundred and ninety four were residents of New Jersey.

In June 2010, two New Jersey residents were arrested at JFK International Airport as they were about to board flights to Egypt. The two had intentions of joining up with Islamic terrorists to wage war with The United States. It has been reported that they were discovered and exposed by an undercover NYPD officer.

The FBI and Law Enforcement were highly criticized in the days following September 11, 2001. More could’ve been done.  More should’ve been done to protect every citizen of this country. Why ten years after these attacks we feel the need to have to apologize to anyone for due diligence is beyond any comprehension. Shame on Eric Holder. Shame on New Jersey Governor Christie.

The FBI, The NYPD and all other Federal, State and local law enforcement is tasked with protecting everyone, regardless of religion or race. Lest we forget that several dozen innocent Muslims were also killed on September 11, 2001?

Without  getting into why this topic should not even be discussed in public, the only thing Eric Holder and Gov. Christie should be saying is that, “Yes we are currently involved in undercover surveillance and intelligence gathering within the Muslim community.  We will continue with these operations until such a time that there is no longer a threat from within that community.  You are either with us or against us.  There is no middle ground here.”

The citizens of the state of New Jersey and the country should be calling for the resignations of both Holder and Christie.  Their comments have proven that their concern is not that of ALL Americans but rather that of a vocal minority.  We can not and should not kowtow to any one group, thereby putting everyone in harms way.

This is not a question of wrongfully arresting anyone or violating one’s civil rights.  It is not a call to discriminate or harm anyone from any specific group.  It is a case of being ever vigilant in the war on terrorism.  We were attacked by Islamic extremists who were Muslim.  Common sense should dictate that that is where the attention should be focused.

The FBI has said that the “secret spying” has damaged Muslims’ trust.  A pretty good argument could be made that September 11 damaged America’s trust.

As George Bush said, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” There is no middle ground.

Could you imagine a group of Italians up in arms at the FBI or NYPD or any other law enforcement agency for having undercover officers infiltrate the Mafia?

Wake up America……………………………..It’s time to demand more from our elected officials.

God Bless the United States of America.

Stupid Quote of the Week

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“It’s a recognition of his life and what his life meant. We have no idea what that young man could have become.” -New York City Queens Councilman Thomas White (D, Queens) on why a street should be named for Sean Bell.

Some of the facts:

Sean Bell was shot and killed by New York City Police Officers on November 25, 2006. At the time of the incident, Bell was behind the wheel of his vehicle, was legally intoxicated, refused a lawful order by the police and attempted to run the officers down while trying to get away.

Bell had been arrested three times in the past for dealing drugs and possessing an illegal firearm.

The two men with Bell that night had been arrested a total of nine times in the past for crimes including armed robbery and possessing an illegal firearm.

All the police officers involved were brought to trial and acquitted on all charges.

In recognition of his life and what his life meant? What he could have become?

Obviously, it may not have amounted to much as demonstrated by his actions that night.

Written by usa1968

December 19, 2009 at 5:06 pm