The Right Way Forward

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Archive for the ‘New York City’ Category

But it’s a Perception Problem

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The crime problem in New York City is real. Especially the crime in the subway system. It is not merely perceived as Mayor Adams and the higher ups in the NYPD would have you believe.

Crime Not That Bad??

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I would like to ask all those who continually say that crime in New York City is not that bad, “just how much crime is acceptable?”

In twelve short years, the democrats have managed to destroy all the progress made in crime reduction. Criminals now matter more than crime victims.

NYC doesn’t have a perception problem, it has a crime problem.

Written by usa1968

March 13, 2024 at 5:16 pm

Martial Law Comes to the NYC Subway System -Blame the Democrat Voter

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How do the democrats fix the crime problem plaguing the New York City subway system – THAT THEY CREATED – they institute martial law.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced that in response to the crime epidemic, the NYS National Guard along with the New York State Police will begin patrolling the New York City subways.

But wait there’s more…..

Not only will they be patrolling the subways, they will begin searching the bags of subway riders.

Let’s analyze this…..

The woke democrats did away with stop and frisk because it was racist. Now, they will violate your fourth amendment rights and have the military and police search your personal belongings if you wish to ride the train. Well that makes sense – IN BIZARRO WORLD!!!

One can only look at this and conclude the end game is more control and authority over the populace. Why else would our elected officials create these problems only to come up with a solution that is more authoritative? More fascist?

The NYPD did a yeoman’s job of cleaning up New York City. The democrats managed to destroy it in less than twelve years.

Rather than admit fault for the disastrous bail reform policies they instituted, they are blaming the rash of subway crimes on recidivists. You know how you stop the recidivist – YOU KEEP THEM IN JAIL. It’s that simple.

A district attorney is tasked with representing the victim and protecting the community it serves. DA’s like Manhattan’s Alvin Bragg and Queens Melinda Katz ran on platforms that promised better treatment for the accused.

Justice should be blind and everyone should be treated equally. What the democrats have done, however, is tip the scales to favor the criminal and make it more difficult to prosecute.

If you voted for a democrat or stayed home on Election Day you helped make this happen.

Arizona vs New York City – Blame the Democrat Voter

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In case anyone is wondering why an Arizona prosecutor is refusing to extradite Raad Noan Almansoori, the murderer of a Queens mother, look no further than the latest breakdown of New York’s bail reform laws.

On February 29, even while this extradition battle was playing out in the public square, Judge Marva Brown decided to release Amira Hunter without bail after she was arrested and charged with felony assault. Hunter is accused of randomly attacking a subway busker on February 13 in Manhattan.

Judge Brown completely disregarded Hunter’s eight prior arrests, ignored the active bench warrant that had been issued for her and didn’t seem to care she failed to appear for three of her last five court dates. And as would be expected, Amira Hunter was arrested yet again this past Tuesday.

Is it any wonder why Phoenix prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell has little faith in the New York City court system and will not extradite Almansoori who is facing charges for several violent crimes he committed in Phoenix. Mitchell wants him prosecuted before he’s returned to New York because unlike her New York counterparts, she believes criminals should be held accountable for their actions. She believes it is her responsibility to keep the citizens of Arizona safe and knows her duty is to the law abiding not the law breaker.

New York’s judicial system is broken. It has been ruined by woke democrat politicians who would rather have criminals walk free than keep us all safe. Society does not benefit by soft on crime policies – it collapses. Criminals belong in jail. Those who have shown they cannot abide by our laws need to be held accountable and separated from the rest of us.

A recent study conducted through John Jay College of Criminal Justice revealed that 66% of the people with a prior arrest who were released under New York’s so called “bail reform,” were rearrested within two years. This study did not include New York City and I could only imagine those numbers are worse.

It’s not hard to understand when criminals suffer no consequences, they have no second thought of offending again. It becomes easy to see why Mitchell will not allow Almansoori sent back to New York.

And as if we didn’t need any more evidence that our criminal justice system is in shambles, it has just been reported that four individuals arrested on Long Island in connection with two dismembered bodies have been released without bail.

Only in 2024 New York can you be arrested in connection with dismembering bodies and be granted supervised released. Even if you’re homeless.

Society is broken.

Blame the democrat voter!!!!

Janno Lieber is a POS – If you voted for a democrat, you helped make this happen.

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Janno Lieber is a POS who could care less about the hardships that will face New Yorkers as a result of congestion pricing. His hearings are a sham to appease the public.

How about the cancer patient traveling to the hospital? Jannon Lieber says FU. How about the city worker who needs to drive into Manhattan? Janno Lieber says FU. How about the middle class construction worker? Again Jannon Lieber says FU.

The MTA could save $690 million dollars a year if they put an end to fare evasion. Or how about we take the $12 BILLION dollars being wasted on the illegal immigrants and put it into the MTA.

New York City is broken. The people at the wheel are driving it straight off a cliff – with every New Yorker on board.

Keep voting democrat.

Perception Problem? No. It’s a Crime Problem.

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NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell and NYC Mayor Eric Adams will have you believe the crime occurring in New York City is not really happening and is only a “perception” problem. I assure you the victims of the crime plaguing the city aren’t perceiving anything. What they are experiencing is real.

Perception is what one sees, hears and becomes aware of. It is how we recognize the world. If there is a vicious dog in front of you, growling and showing it’s teeth, do you perceive you are in danger? No. You recognize you are in danger and may be attacked. We perceive there is danger because there is danger. Perception does not cancel reality. Perception is based on reality. This “doublespeak” from Chell and Adams is straight out of Bradbury’s 1984. The perception of crime does not negate crime.

Here are a dozen instances from this past month which lends to the development of your perception:

February 9 – 15 year old girl sexually assaulted in Brooklyn subway station

February 11 – cab driver slashed in neck in Queens

February 23 – 45 year old subway rider shot and killed in Bronx

February 23 – two men shot in Hunts Point

February 23 – 15 year old boy shot in Bronx

February 24 – 17 year old male attacked and stabbed by twenty three people in Times Square

February 24 – 17 year old shot in Queens

February 24 – 20 year old woman assaulted and nearly raped on a Queens subway platform.

February 29 – 13 year old boy shot and killed in Crown Heights

February 29 – train conducted has neck slashed in Brooklyn

February 28 – 38 year old man shot and killed in Crown Heights

February 26 – Bodega worker killed in Crown Heights.

We don’t have a perception problem in New York City. We have a crime problem.

The Murder of Laken Riley – Blame a Democrat

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If you voted for a democrat or stayed home on Election Day you are responsible for the death of Laken Riley. The politicians you support, their border policy and their so called “criminal justice reforms” contributed to this poor girls death. You enabled them by voting for them.

Jose Antonio Ibarra should never have been in this country. After his arrest in New York City he should’ve been detained, tried and if convicted, served his time and then deported. Thanks to Biden’s open border policy and New York City’s sanctuary city status an innocent woman has been killed.

Blame the democrats.

Another Self Inflicted Problem

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Back in 2020 when New York City approved the use of electronic scooters and bicycles on city streets I foresaw the issues to come.

How would they be regulated? How would they be identified? Motorized vehicles used on streets are required to be registered and insured. Operators are required to be licensed. What was going to be the recourse for a victim of an accident with an e-bike or e-scooter?

Fast forward to 2024 and NYC Deputy Mayor for Operations, Meera Joshi is on TV calling for more regulation and oversight to combat the deaths and injuries now caused by these motorized vehicles.

No one saw this coming? No one was smart enough to realize putting motorized vehicles that travel over 25 mph in parks, bike lanes and sidewalks was a bad idea?

Between 2022 and the first half of 2023 forty eight people have been killed in accidents involving powered bikes and scooters. This is in addition to the 18 deaths and 150 injuries caused by the 267 fires last year involving e-bikes.

We must start holding our elected officials accountable for these self inflicted problems. Much like the current migrant problem in NYC, foresight would go a long way in preventing these issues from happening.

Linda Stasi and Liberal Logic

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Linda Stasi – a reporter for what’s probably one of the most disgusting liberal news rags in this country – The New York Daily News – wrote a piece yesterday demanding that Michael Osgood, the head of the NYPD Special Victims Unit, be removed. Her rationale – Osgood is a Trump supporter.

Have we really reached a place in this country where newspaper reporters are now calling for action to be taken against employees for their political beliefs.

Although Ms. Stasi doesn’t believe that Osgood should be fired, she does believe that because of his political affiliation, he is incapable of overseeing a unit that investigates sex crimes and should be moved to another position.

I think it’s time to demand to know who Linda Stasi’s political affiliation is with. I think it’s time to demand to know who Linda Stasi may have donated any money to. (All rhetorical questions actually. I’m sure it’s not hard to figure that out.) And I think it’s time for all New Yorkers to demand that Linda Stasi be removed from reporting on any other political story.

Stasi’s political beliefs would make it impossible for her to report impartially and from an unbiased position.

How can any reporter be deemed credible when they are pushing their political agenda and that of the company they work for?

If Linda Stasi truly believes what she wrote in her article then she would also have to see the fault that lies within herself as a result of her own political beliefs. But I am quite confident she doesn’t. This is liberal logic at its best. Void of any common sense.

Stasi isn’t that good of a reporter and her personal beliefs appear more than antithetical to reporting the news.

The people of New York deserve better.

Max Rose – Hypocrite

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Max Rose – Democratic candidate for Congress from Staten Island – welcomed the endorsement of the NARAL – a pro choice PAC.

Max Rose also blames the NRA for mass shootings and says he’s doing all he can to stop them.

Think about this for a second-

In 2014 there were 653,638 innocent babies aborted – murdered.

In the last 51 years, no NRA member has been responsible for a mass shooting.

Max Rose wants you to believe that he’s doing all he can to stop innocent victims from being killed. Only problem is, he is now in bed with an organization that makes a living from killing innocent victims.

Can you say hypocrite?

And by the way Max – you want to ban the AR15? The weapon of choice in most of the mass shootings over the past 51 years has been a handgun.

But hey – why let facts get in the way of a political platform.

Another typical politician folks. A hypocrite who will say anything he thinks his supporters want to hear just to get their vote.

Let’s start holding the criminal responsible. Let’s start calling for stricter laws for those who use a firearm illegally.

Let’s stop going after law abiding gun owners who have nothing to do with these terrible terrible tragedies.

Let’s pray Max Rose stays out of Washington.