The Right Way Forward

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Posts Tagged ‘fare evasion

Janno Lieber is a POS – If you voted for a democrat, you helped make this happen.

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Janno Lieber is a POS who could care less about the hardships that will face New Yorkers as a result of congestion pricing. His hearings are a sham to appease the public.

How about the cancer patient traveling to the hospital? Jannon Lieber says FU. How about the city worker who needs to drive into Manhattan? Janno Lieber says FU. How about the middle class construction worker? Again Jannon Lieber says FU.

The MTA could save $690 million dollars a year if they put an end to fare evasion. Or how about we take the $12 BILLION dollars being wasted on the illegal immigrants and put it into the MTA.

New York City is broken. The people at the wheel are driving it straight off a cliff – with every New Yorker on board.

Keep voting democrat.